Are you bothering your partner at night without even realizing? Waking up the entire house, perhaps? Why is everybody angry at you in the morning?

It’s not your fault; snoring is a very real condition that plagues roughly half of the adult population mildly and a quarter severely. Snoring also affects about a tenth of the population of children.

Now is the time to take steps to alleviate this issue with the help of a snoring treatment near you.

What Causes Snoring?

The cause for snoring is actually really simple: the airway at the back of your throat narrows and causes your organs to vibrate when you breathe. Your internals such as your tongue and soft palate take up more space as you fall asleep and relax, therefore causing more obstruction to your airways producing the loud noise we call snoring.

Other external factors can exacerbate this issue, such as:

  • Congestion such as allergies and colds
  • Excess weight
  • Certain before-bed medication
  • Alcohol

Explaining Sleep Apnea

In most cases, snoring is not usually a cause for medical concern but if it persists or begins to cause more serious symptoms, it can be a sign of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition in which your body does not get enough oxygen due to irregular breathing which manifests as snoring. It is virtually indistinguishable to a non-professional from regular, harmless, snoring and will therefore need to be examined by a doctor or even a dentist near you.

Sleep apnea can lead to a variety of long-term health issues such as:

  • Hypertension
  • Cardiac issues (heart attacks and strokes)
  • Fatigue

Approximately 1 in 15 people are affected by sleep apnea and one of them may very well be you. If you’re unsure as to whether you should seek out some type of professional care, keep in mind that it’s always wise to consult with a dentist to be safe. They can correctly diagnose your sleeping troubles and recommend the best solution moving forward.

How Dentists Can Help

Acquiring snoring treatment in Shawnessy can help alleviate this potentially serious issue. A local dentist can examine you for potential signs and symptoms associated with sleep apnea.

A large cause of snoring is the way your mouth is shaped and the formation of your teeth, which are issues your dentist can take care of. Adjustments to your palette and teeth formation can be made to eliminate snoring and a mouth guard can also stop you from grinding your teeth and causing cavities, leading to even more snoring.

You can also take steps to improve your condition yourself by sleeping on your side, natural remedies such as ginger and peppermint tea, or using a CPAP machine if you have sleep apnea. However, not everything can be fully solved by yourself and may need the assistance of a dentist.

Visit Our Dentist in Shawnessy for Quality Care

Chronic snoring can be an irritating, ongoing issue that may disturb not only the sleep of your partner but yours as well. You can do many things to alleviate your snoring yourself, but if it’s due to internal issues like your anatomical structure, it’s important to visit a healthcare professional.

Luckily, here at our neighborhood practice, our dentist near you is at your service and will do all they can to ensure that you leave your appointment satisfied and feeling well. Book an appointment at Summit Dental today and let us take care of your worries. You can do so by sending us an email via our website, calling, or dropping by our location.

See you very soon!